Wednesday, May 13, 2015

How to make Herbal Infused Medicinal oils.

Proudly, my stock pile of infused oil is increasing. Currently I have Rosemary Oil, Sage Oil, Lavender Oil, Clove Oil, Oregano Oil and I am working on a few other oils.

Years ago I wouldn't of believed that an infused oil can be more powerful than some antibiotics. I would of considered such an idea "Hippie Hog Wash" .

As I increase in Holistic Herbal knowledge I'm realizing that I have previously made life more difficult with out herbalism .

Herbalism should be a subject in school, in my opinion . Herbalism should be general knowledge, HERBALISM SHOULD BE A WAY OF LIFE!!!.. Herbalism isn't just some esoteric practice or a practice only practice by pagans . Herbs were created for humans longevity and sustainability... Ah'! That's why herbal medicine isn't good for mass population , Healthy  people don't make good patients and healthy people do not help in financing BIG Pharma ... That all together is another story isn't it?

Well back on subject, My love for Herbal infused oil began with the need to use my herbs before the went bad. I needed to use them quickly in the best way that I could... I didn't have Vodka to make a tincture and Thanksgiving wasn't close so I decided, hmmm, Infused oil it is!!

Infused oil is simple to make all you really need is a dried herb , your choice depending on your usage per ailment.

1. Choose a dried herb(fresh herbs have water, the water can cause your oil to go rancid). Some herbs I'd recommend for first time oil making is Rosemary, Oregano, Thyme, Sage, Clove, Star Anise , Coriander or any organic dried herb you have.

2. Choose an oil. Organic Extra virgin oil works great, Almond Oil, Organic pure Grapeseed oil works wonderfully , Sun flower oil is fine also, Organic Coconut oil is ok but keep in mind that Coconut oil solidifies at cool temperatures so the Oil will be more like a Salve .

3. Place Herbs in a Crock pot . Pour your oil of choice over the herbs
*Use 1 cup of herbs per 1 cups of Oil.

4 .Place crock pot on LOW and allow the herbal oil mixture to steep for 6 hours.

5.You can also place herbs in a jar with your choice of oil , making sure your herbs are completely covered and submersed in the oil. Close the jar tightly and set it in a window with sun for 6 WEEKS.

6.When either of the given methods are completed, strain herbal oil infusion into a a glass jar and store in a dark cupboard. These oils can last up to 2 years if they are executed well and stored properly. I refrigerate my oils after 6 months. Make sure to date your oils.

                            Enjoy Melanie xo~

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